Hate Cleaning? Me too. Let’s fix that.

Stephanie Wong
4 min readOct 6, 2020


A dude who hates cleaning and wants to do something else. Anything else.
Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

We have heard of it all.

Growth Mindset.

Fixed Mindset.

Positive Mindset

Money Mindset.

There are so many different kinds of mindsets out there.

What about a cleaning mindset?

Cleaning is a task that MANY people hate doing.

Shouldn’t we have a mindset to learn how to love it… or at least enjoy it?

Now, there is a small number of people who love it.

I am not one of them.

So why am I writing about a cleaning mindset when I don’t like cleaning?

Because I don’t like cleaning, I developed a mindset that I put myself through to get myself clean.

My mindset used to be, “I will make this place SPOTLESS.”

Then I don’t.

I end up putting too much pressure on myself, and I worry that I’m not going to do my best.

Then the list of excuses starts rolling in.

I am tired.

I cannot clean it well.

It’s been dirtier.

I wish I had this product. It will make cleaning so much easier and faster.

It’s going to get dirty anyway.

It’s okay. I will clean it tomorrow.

Rinse and repeat.

OH, you thought this was a story of a pro cleaner?

No way.

I am far from it. I am just someone who needs to clean.

Cleaning takes effort and maintenance.

But when you get the ball rolling, it gets easier.

So how do I get into the mindset to clean when I don’t want to do it?

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

1. Be grateful for your space

I am grateful for my space.

Whether it is messy or clean, the space you live in right now is yours. Because you have been here, grown here, and improved on yourself in the very place you are at. Even if this place is a dump, you have experienced some of your best and worst moments there.

It is easy to look at your current situation at thinking, “Wow, this place sucks.” “It will be much better if my house was bigger or if my floors are easier to clean.” But that doesn’t matter right now. That isn’t your current space.

Photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash

2. Out of spite, out of love for yourself, or both

Sometimes I clean out of spite.

When someone doesn’t think I can do something, I do it.

My mom doesn’t think I can keep the space clean? WELL, I WILL.

Does that mold think it can grow? I DON’T THINK SO.

But most times, I clean because I care about myself a lot more.

This isn’t selfish.

I care about my environment, and the environment I create affects me.

My mood.

My wellbeing.

It is my right to take care of myself and the environment around me.

Because you love yourself, you can make the effort to clean your space.

Most importantly, you are more willing to push past the little annoying voice in your head that you can just clean later.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

3. Optional: Inspiration

Need some inspiration?

I have the thing for you!

YouTube Videos

If you search “cleaning inspiration” or “clean with me” on YouTube, those videos can motivate you to clean.

I have been doing this for a while and when I see people clean or tidy their space, it motivates me to do it too.

One of my favorite cleaning channels is “Clean My Space” with Melissa Maker. She also offers simple and cost-effective tips to keep homes clean and tidy all year round.

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

4. Start somewhere.

Don’t have all the tools? It doesn’t matter. You don’t need fancy tools.

Start somewhere. Anywhere.

Clean for 15 minutes or 1 hour.


If you hit a stump, don’t worry.

It’s okay to mess up or make a mess, just clean up afterward.

Forgive yourself and move on.

Let’s review the mindset.

  1. I am grateful for my space.
  2. I love myself and I will do anything I can to take extra care of myself.
  3. Inspiration is everywhere and I can find it easily if I need to.
  4. I am ready to clean.


You are one step closer to the tidy home you always hope for.



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